I’m not a mum and both Anthony’s and my mums have been gone for many years……so Mother’s Day is not the traditional celebration in our household.

Our day is more reflective……we often play a game, such as canasta that my Mum loved, and tell funny stories about them. The day isn’t morbid or too full on, as to us every day is Mother’s Day – we always talk about and remember them both fondly. From Anthony saying ‘yes Aurial’ when I try and feed him too much, to me being ‘hot’ all of the time and Anthony saying ‘okay Noela’.
When I hear stories about children not sharing time with their Mum’s, I do get emotional, and want to almost shake them and say ‘well you have your Mum, so make the most of it.’ I was 24 when Mum passed, so have missed the last 25 Mothers Days with her, enjoyed her company, advice and love during all of my married life, during my cancer journey and all of our travels……all significant experiences that I know my Mum would have loved to share with me…….but the past can’t be changed. Went to Neil Diamond concert this year and know Mum was singing along with me.
So each and every one – this Sunday – is your perfect chance to say ‘I love you Mum’ – be it in person, over the phone, letter (yes showing my age) or just into the universe…….as I know that Noela and Aurial are always with us.